This is my official uniform as Torchbearer number OTR062-070!! On December 30th at 2:24 p.m., I have the honor of being an Olympic Torchbearer in Muskoka! How ironic is it that after racing so much in Muskoka for the past 20 years, that I would have this incredible opportunity. Apparently, I start on the path at River Mill Park and finish at the McDonalds – quite fitting so that I can dash inside and grab a quick burger and fries – NOT!!! Most of my family and a few friends are coming up for the big run – likely the shortest run of my life. I am doing this Torch Run as a member of Clean Air Champions – a group of environmentally conscience athletes who are ambassadors for a cleaner outdoor living experience. In fact, I did a PSA commercial for Clean Air Champions a few weeks ago … here it is (not completely TV proof yet – still waiting for a few final touches):
… wait .. I will keep you in suspense until it is a finished product – stay tuned!!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas .. more from Muskoka in a few days!!