I think I wear this Spiritual Gangster shirt “Nothing but Love” to remind myself of my core belief. The world gets so fast paced with 24/7 availability and my own “high achiever’s itch” to always do things better, to serve better, to be better. But part of that “itch” should be to be better at doing nothing at all. On this day in March, Dave and I took a mini holiday of 36 hours. No responding to emails. No workouts. No planning. No aspiring. I tried to be good at doing nothing. I got to give 100% love and attention to Fenway and Dave. It was one day. But it made me so happy.
I love my life. I love being busy. I love coaching. I love being an agent to Brent, Alicia, Jarrod, and Magali. I love being working with the Subaru Triathlon Series and Subaru IRONMAN 70.3 Muskoka and Subaru Iron Girl Canada. I love consulting athletes. I love speaking. I love teaching. I love all of the opportunities I have in life.
I loved training for Boston. What a privilege to get to race. I didn’t say yes right away. I had not run longer than 21 km as of late February. But after a few 25-30 km runs which didn’t send me back to Sweden for Achilles surgery, I decided to book the trip and do my best. I knew that the training had not been ideal but that is what “life” is all about. Do the best you can with what you have in the context of your life. That is the very essence of being an amateur age group athlete. The “high achiever itch” could not be scratched. And it is good for every coach to embrace that feeling – it makes us better coaches to experience training and racing balancing life and work and training.
The book has not progressed at all but it will. And I have a few speaking engagements coming up and some travel to races and other exciting announcements on the horizon. In the meantime, the priority remains “Nothing but Love” . To which Fenway says “no problem”!