Fitness is healthcare! Running events, bike rides, triathlons, swim meets, soccer games, hockey, baseball, lacrosse – all sports are essentially healthcare events where we build strong lungs, bodies, hearts, joints, minds, self-esteem, resiliency, pride and more. And these by-products of sports are all-inclusive regardless of your proficiency or competency. Each time you move and play,…

Celebrating Canadian Women Ironman World Championship Qualifiers
Calling all Canadian Female Qualifiers for the Ironman World Championships – our Canadian Kona Breakfast and Team Canada Parade T-Shirt Tradition Will Continue in 2023!! For veterans of the Ironman World Championships, you will recall that historically, Subaru Canada, as title sponsor of all Ironman races in Canada, hosted a breakfast for all Canadian qualifiers…

Why I Love Sport
When I was in grade 11, I wanted to be a French teacher. Then I got a summer job as a French camp counselor and realized that I wasn’t French enough to be a French teacher. The reality was that when a child stuck their hand close to the campfire, I would yell, “get your…

Mental Cues for Training for your First Triathlon
I want to do my first triathlon. I want to do something I have no idea how to do but I know that I want to do it! Welcome to your dream! And when you take that first step toward that dream, then it becomes a goal!! Let’s go! Belief at the beginning of any…

Five Year Anniversary of An Unlikely Champion .. and I just want to say thank you!
Hello readers!! This note is just a simple “Thank you!” Thank you for trusting me and reading An Unlikely Champion: Finding the Path to Fulfillment and Winning in Life. Over Christmas and New Years, I found some time for deep reflection. I looked through old photos, came up with my favourite memory of 2022 and…

Success Without Connection is the Ultimate Failure
I have been blessed with an incredible career. In my first career, I was a high school math teacher and after that, I became a professional triathlete specializing in the Ironman distance: a 3.8 km swim followed by a 180 km bike ride and then a 42 km run. And now, I am a speaker,…

Welcome to 2022!
Ready. Set. Go. 2022!! We are officially in 2022 so let’s get right to continuing to be our best self for ourselves and for those around us! Be your own biggest fan! Don’t try to be anyone but yourself – your best self! Hopefully these final hacks bring out your best energy, your best smile,…

Day 3 – 2022 Fresh Start is Close!
It is one day until New Year’s Eve and 2 days until a fresh start. New beginnings mean different things to different people. And we don’t have to reserve Jan. 1st for all new beginnings! I feel as if I had a fresh start on Dec 19th after visiting family. I felt invigorated by seeing…

Giddy Up Countdown to 2022
Today’s hacks aim to break the status quo! I cringe when I hear people refer to their aches and pains with the statement,”I am getting old!” Yes, everyone is aging – thankfully – but aging isn’t the only reason for some of our aches! I have a poster that says “You don’t stop running because…

Let’s go 2022! Day 1 of hacks for 2022!
Moving into 2022 is not about resolutions. It is about taking what made us happy, productive and fulfilled in 2021 and continuing those habits in 2022. It is about sifting through what made us feel less happy, less accomplished and less satisfied and eliminating those energy suckers! Over the next few days, I want to…