Oh yes – the red mitts – an affordable collector’s item – if you can find them. Dave and I bought red mitts for everyone at Christmas but we couldn’t find a large for Dave. So we sent the real shopper for them – mom! She looked under racks and tables and finally found a pair and wrapped them up for Dave for Christmas!
And this is a wonderful picture of my team – the Clean Air Champions. Look closely – you may see some current or former Olympians. As I said, the best VO2 max on the relay!
Now, it is back to normal life post Torchbearer Relay Fun. We celebrated New Years with some friends at our favorite restaurant – Spoon and Fork – in Oakville. It is a long way to Oakville from Caledon, but the food (Thai and Japanese) is amazing! And since then, it has been all about finishing the 2XU inventory for our accountant to balance the books. Stay tuned – Dave has set up online sales on www.2xushop.ca – I am not sure when it will be up and running – maybe it already is – but it will help you find the closest retailer with the 2XU items that you want and if that retailer doesn’t stock the item, then it will be shipped to you from the warehouse. So for all of you online shoppers that shop via US websites, now you can shop in Canada and not pay the duty! And then, I will have less merchandise to count for next year’s inventory!
Happy New Year!